This is a test pattern for the Sega SC-3000 Modelled on work by 5-11under for the Colecovision Written by Nick from SC-3000 Survivors, 20 March 2013 You can paste this Basic code directly into the MESS emulator 10 REM Sega SC-3000 Test Pattern v1.01 20 REM by Sega SC-3000 Survivors 30 REM Inspired by 5-11under and his great work on the Colecovision 31 CLS:CURSOR 0,6:PRINT"=====================================" 32 PRINT:PRINT" Sega SC-3000 Test Pattern v1.01":PRINT:PRINT" by SC-3000 Survivors (2013)":PRINT 33 PRINT" There are multiple test patterns.":PRINT"Press any key to move to next pattern":PRINT 34 PRINT"=====================================" 39 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 39 40 SCREEN 2,2:COLOR 1,1:CLS 50 RESTORE 200 60 FOR Y = 0 TO 3:FOR X = 0 TO 7:READ A 70 COLOR A,A,(X*32,Y*48)-(X*32+31,Y*48+47) 80 NEXT X:NEXT Y 100 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 100 130 FOR BK = 1 TO 15:COLOR1,BK:CLS:CURSOR8,32:FOR FG = 1 TO 15:COLOR FG 140 PRINT " ABCDefghijkLMNOPqrstuvWXYZ0123456789" 150 NEXT FG 160 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 160 170 NEXT BK 180 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 180 190 END 200 DATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 13, 4, 5, 7, 3, 2, 12, 14, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 1